For the last 26 years I have been working in IT and I have grown up with the Intel x86 platform. In fact my first PC was an IBM XT 8086 with two 5 1/4' floppy drives.
Starting in 1990 was part of a group of people hired by Fujitsu Systems of America, to help our customer Pepsi, implement a route accounting system. This system included a hand held computer (HHC), mobile printer and other printing / communication devices. At the time we didn't know it but we were the pioneers of mobile computing.

Fast forward to 18 Monday 2013. Today I start a new chapter in my career. Today is the day that I become an IBM'er. Yes; that's right IBM. My title will be Senior IT Specialist working in the NJ / NYC area.
For those who have known me for years, I have been known as the DEC, COMPAQ and HP guy; as a pre-sales solution architect. I have held a Master Accredited System Engineer (Master ASE) certification since 2002 in HP Proliant servers, blades and high availability. Early in my career at Pioneer Standard Electronics, I was part of the SE group in NYC that supported both IBM and Compaq for about 2 years. It was an exciting time, as a small company called vmware, was just releasing a product called ESX 1.0. And the big thing in x86 based servers was 4 or more processor sockets in a server; only IBM and Compaq had those servers.
In my new role, I will be assisting my team in a pre-sales capacity, as well as doing proof of concepts with large enterprise clients. I cannot wait to meet the sales teams and to hit the ground running.
I am very humbled that I will be employed by the company that started the personal computer marketplace. I can only hope that my contributions to the company will help the team that I will be working on and that I can network with the great employees at IBM.
A big thank you to all of those who supported me over the past few months, while my career search was in progress. Your help, thoughts and comments do not go unappreciated.
Stay tuned for more updates but for now, I can't wait to get my badge and to say "I'm an IBM'er".
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