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Showing posts from 2013

A new chapter in my IT career

For the last 26 years I have been working in IT and I have grown up with the Intel x86 platform.  In fact my first PC was an IBM XT 8086 with two 5 1/4' floppy drives. Starting in 1990 was part of a group of people hired by Fujitsu Systems of America, to help our customer Pepsi, implement a route accounting system.  This system included a hand held computer (HHC), mobile printer and other printing / communication devices.  At the time we didn't know it but we were the pioneers of mobile computing. Fast forward to 18 Monday 2013. Today I start a new chapter in my career. Today is the day that I become an IBM'er.  Yes; that's right IBM. My title will be Senior IT Specialist working in the NJ / NYC area. For those who have known me for years, I have been known as the DEC, COMPAQ and HP guy; as a pre-sales solution architect.  I have held a Master Accredited System Engineer (Master ASE) certification since 2002 in HP Proliant server...