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Showing posts from March, 2021

Countdown to 55

In less than 70 days, I will be 55 years old.   How did I get this old so fast? Where did that time go? What have I done in those 55 years, that got me to this point in life?   Who am I? Am I the same person that I was in this photo?   What about this photo… who is that guy? A close friend, told me that it was 75 days till his 50 th birthday.   Which got me to think about how many days it was till my own birthday.   I have posted about my birthday’s before… my mid 40’s and my 50 th . But this one is different.   It has been weighing on me for a while. Actually since, Thanksgiving I have been thinking about my age and turning 55. Lately I have borne my thought by writing and never really knew I had so much to say till now. People say… oh you’re hitting double nickels, you are now as old as the highway speed limit or when I was 55, we didn’t have a two-dollar bill (that one threw me off for a second, as the $2 bill was introduced in 1862).    B...